When you or someone you know is battling with ADHD untreated, then it is ideal that you recommend making changes to their lives as soon as possible. Skimp on this, and you might struggle to get things going.
Some might argue that the production of medications used in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has skyrocketed in the last couple of years. While there is nothing wrong with taking these medications, there are other remarkable ways of keeping this health complication at bay.
ADHD medications help improve symptoms by enhancing and balancing neurotransmitters. For those who might have no idea of what we are talking about, neurotransmitters are chemicals that carry signals between neurons in your brain and body. While these medications can improve concentration, they can also lead to some serious potential side effects, such as sleep problems, mood swings, loss of appetite, and heart problems.
An alternative treatment worth your attention is forgoing food colorings and preservatives. And this doesn’t come as a surprise considering some food colorings and preservatives tend to increase hyperactive behavior in some children. Be sure to avoid foods with sodium benzoate, FD&C Yellow No.6, FD&C Yellow No.5, and FD&C No. 40, to mention a few.
Some research also indicate that taking up yoga may be helpful in battling ADHD untreated. Yoga has the potential to allow for improvements in hyperactivity, anxiety, and social problems in boys with ADHD. Things are not any different with tai chi since it may also help improve ADHD symptoms.
For children who are struggling with more severe cases of ADHD, taking up behavioral therapy could work to their advantage. Sometimes referred to as behavioral modification, this approach works on resolving specific problematic behaviors and provides solutions to help prevent them.
Parental therapy can also help provide parents with the needed tools to help their child with ADHD untreated succeed. Equipping parents with techniques and strategies for how to work around behavioral issues can help both the parent and the child in the long term.
Of course, there are other remarkable ways to handle ADHD untreated than those included in this simple guide.